1. By purchasing from this website, you have agreed to our terms and conditions.
2. Purchases can only be done using on our website.
3. We will try our best to fulfill every order requirements. No cancellations and refunds once orders are placed.
4. Order can be made on this website. However, we do welcomed orders through direct message on our Instagram too. If the latter option works better for you, we do appreciate payment within 15 minutes from the time payment details are sent. We will release the items if no payment is done at the stipulated time. We seek your understanding.
5. Customs and import taxes - Buyers are responsible for any customs and import taxes in their countries that may apply. We shall not hold responsibilities for delays due to customs.
6. All orders will be bubble-wrapped securely to prevent damage during transition and shipped within 3 to 5 business days. Please note that we are unable to trace the location of parcel once it is out of our hands. We seek your understanding that we're unable to hold responsibility for parcel loss.
7. Please note that the colours of items may have slight differences due the the resolution of different devices used.
8. All contents and images on this website are the property of Jewel By MissA . No unauthorised reproduction is allowed without written permission. All rights are reserved.